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what is a front end language

i don't know the difference

2 Answers

A front end language is a language that controls what you see on the page, such as all the buttons, paragraphs, headers, etc. A back end language is something that controls things that you don't visually see on the page, such as routing. Hope this helped!

Rick Gleitz
Rick Gleitz
47,413 Points

Hi Steve,

A basic answer:

Pretty much everything that is seen in the browser and that a visitor can interact with is the front end.

The back end has to do with stored/manipulated data, like number-crunching on whatever you might request before it spits out an answer to any query you might make.

The top three languages for front end are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. HTML for the web page's structure, CSS for its styling, and JavaScript for user functionality/interaction.

Hope this helps!