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Python Python Basics All Together Now Branch and Loop

tickets_remaining is always 100

each time i run the code the tickets_remaining is always 100

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Please post your code (with Markdown formatting); or even better, make a snapshot of your workspace and post the link to it here. Then we can take a look and help figure it out.

4 Answers

Jose Javier Garcia-Rovira
Jose Javier Garcia-Rovira
3,986 Points

Hi Tinotenda,

Can you share your code so that I can review it and help you find the issue?


Maba Bah
Maba Bah
2,744 Points

TICKET_PRICE = 10 tickets_remaining = 100

Keep runnin code so long as there are tickets for sale

while tickets_remaining >= 1:

Output how many tickets are remaining using the tickets_remaining variable

print("There are only {} tickets left!".format(tickets_remaining))

#Gather the user's name and assign it to a new variable
username = input("Hello! what is your name? ")

#Prompt the user by name and ask how many tickets they would like.
tickets_requested = int(input("Hey {}, How many tickets would you like to purchase? ".format(username)))

#Calcualte the price and assign it to a variable,
total = tickets_requested * TICKET_PRICE

# Output the price to screen
print("Your total {} is ${}".format(username,total))

#Prompt user if they want to proceed Y/N

#If they want to proceed
#print out to screen SOLD!
#and then decrement the tickets remaining
Y = "Y"
N = "N"
confirm = input("Would you like to proceed? ")

if confirm == Y:
        tickets_remaining -= tickets_requested

else: print("Thank you {}, Have a nice day!".format(username))

print("Tickets are SOLD OUT!")

Can we see your code

Dom Ss
Dom Ss
4,339 Points

Here is mine Workspace: https://w.trhou.se/doz1vwq3eh

What I fail to understand is the global scope to local scope. How do I update the variable remaining_tickets. I was thinking that I should just return from my function remaining_tickets, but that did not work.