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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Working with Strings Combine and Manipulate Strings

Sharanpreet Singh
Sharanpreet Singh
2,786 Points

tell me about it

Below role, create a new variable named msg that combines the firstName, lastName and role variables to create a string

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

For this step, you create the new variable and assign it by combining the variables already defined. There are options for doing this, but perhaps the easiest is by using concatenation (with the + operator). Be sure to also include some constant strings to create the spacing and punctuation as shown in the example.

If you still have trouble, be sure to show your code to make it possible to give you more specific help.

For general information about posting questions and sharing code, you might want to take a look at this video about Posting a Question, and this one on using Markdown formatting to preserve the code's appearance. And for when your question refers to something you are doing in a workspace, you may also want to view this one about sharing a snapshot of your workspace.