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C# C# Basics Methods Method Parameters

Scott Pierce
Scott Pierce
316 Points

Odd result in console

So, it lets me pass the lesson, and it looks like I have everything correct. However, I am getting 560.88 as a number

using System;

class Program

    // YOUR CODE HERE: Define a method named Multiply. Remember
    // to use the "static" and "void" keywords: "static void
    // Multiply" (without quotes). Multiply should take two
    // "double" values as parameters.
        static void Multiply (double first, double second)
            Console.WriteLine(first * second);


    static void Main(string[] args)
        // YOUR CODE HERE:
        // Call Multiply with two arguments: 2.5 and 2.
        // YOUR CODE HERE:
        // Call Multiply with two arguments: 6 and 7.
            Multiply (2.5 , 2);
            Multiply(6 , 7);


1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

Before calling your "Main", the challenge calls the Multiply method directly with the arguments 12.3 and 45.6 and checks that it gets the expected result.

If you think that this pass of the testing should be suppressed in the preview (or explained in the text), you might want to make a suggestion to the Support folks.