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Python Python Basics All Together Now Handle Exceptions

Diana Victoria Villada
Diana Victoria Villada
9,543 Points

Infinite Loop!! Help Please!

When I run my code I get an infinite loop that says, There are 100 tickets remaining. I have checked my code and it matches Craigs. Can somebody please tell me what I am missing?

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

To make it possible to analyze your issue and give an answer, please show your code (formatted using Markdown) or make a snapshot of your workspace and post the link to it here.

1 Answer

As Steven said, it's impossible to analyze what is wrong without seeing your code, but based on what you are seeing and the code in the video, my first guess is that you are not correctly updating your ticket count when you proceed. In your conditional that asks if the user wants to proceed, double check that you have tickets_remaining -= num_tickets If you don't have the minus sign before the equal sign, you're never going to have tickets_remaining go below 1, so the loop will never end.