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CSS CSS Transitions and Transforms Getting Started with CSS Transforms Skewing Content

For the design conference website, I am not able to see the skew in Chrome DevTools.

For the design conference website, I am not able to see the skew in Chrome DevTools. I've looked for the transform property in the navigation menu.

1 Answer

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

The Front-End Design Conference website has changed their layout since the video was made. Instead of a vertical ribbon that is skewed horizontally, they now have a horizontal ribbon skewed vertically.

My dev tools show the current setting as "transform: skewY(12deg);".

Steven Parker

I am still not seeing it. I used the filter, and typed transform as well, however no luck. I am selecting for example: Workshops in the navigation bar, and going to computed tab of the styles section, and transform is appearing disabled color-wise with the value of none.

Perhaps, is it possible that I need certain options to selected. I've tried this in firefox as well as chrome, but to no luck.

Steven Parker
Steven Parker
229,921 Points

I wonder ... are you perhaps looking at the anchor (a) element? The skew transform is on list item (li) enclosing it.

Thanks, that was the issue. Thanks!!